

The other morning we were eating breakfast when I asked Lucas to finish his bananas.  He proceeded to tell  me, "no", of course.  I then asked him why he wouldn't eat them...the response I got was, "they're sleeping"....apparently we can only eat food when it's fully awake!?  I was a bit confused by this and asked him what he was talking about.  He showed me that he had poked the bananas with his fork and they looked like they had closed their eyes...hahahaha!  This kid is pure entertainment!

Not only is Lucas funny, he is really smart.  He knows all his colors, mostly because he loves to color.  He has been holding his crayons/pencils the right way since he started.  I think we can give credit to Payton for that one.  She is always drawing!

Lucas loves robots, singing, dancing, reading and talking.  He never stops talking.  And He is SO loud!  I always think, how did you get so loud?  At our house, we are the most soft-spoken people.  He repeats everything you say...He knows his ABC's and says his name all the time.  "Loutit" is what he calls himself.  He calls Shawn, Shawn.  It's actually kind of funny.  I asked if he could say my name the other day.  It was not so easy for him...Cesi is what I got. 

I love seeing this boy learn and grow.  He is the sweetest, cutest little boy ever and I just love him to pieces!



I am ready for warmth.  The sun shines and I think, it's warm!  Woo Hoo!  And then I take a step outside in a light cardigan and then realize, oh wait, it's still winter...the end.

Science Experiment.  Floating water.  Step 1:  color corn syrup red; pour in bottle.  2: pour in vegetable oil.  3: color water blue; where does the water go?  in the middle!  4:  pour in bleach, what happens to the water?  Oh, it turns back clear!  Haha..Payton thought it was cool.
Payton wanted to play dress up.  So of course, a shirt of mine on her is a dress.  She wanted to get all pearled out and looked like a total Flapper!
Knotted Headband.

St. Patty's Day Rainbow. 


Blackberry Winter

Ah, Spring is just around the corner.  It's warm(er), the grass on the north side of every street is showing, the sun is shining!  I can't complain, I really do love the seasons.  As much as I (sometimes) say I would love to live in a moderate temp all year, I don't think (fashionably) I could really do it ;)

Saturday Morning with my most favorite kids on the planet!  I love these little ones.... Together, they are a riot!

Shawn...he is my very attractive husband.  I realize he doesn't look too thrilled during this shot, but I also have a feeling he wasn't ready?  And well, the attention span of a 7 year old photographer is only 7 seconds, so we only got one shot.

Payton wanted pastel rainbow nail colors in honor of the upcoming St. Patrick's Day.  So this is what we did.  I realize the middle one looks white, but it is totally mint green.

First/top braid is a Bamboo Braid.  Or maybe it's a Rope?  I have been out of beauty school too long!  Anyway, the second/bottom is a Fishtail :)

For Valentines Day, Payton got these Awesome Beanie Boos.  She had mentioned she wanted these bright-eyed stuffies, for a while now, so I decided to get her the v-day giraffe.  She happened to have some  spending money and we went and got another one, an Easter lamb.  She then decided to make little collar tags for them out of her ShrinkyDinks.  Jungle Love (giraffe)  and Blossom (lamb).  (And yes,  just like Beanie Babies  their names and b-days are written on the tag.)  Don't mind the ragamuffin hair, she just happens to play so hard that by the end of the day, it's uncontrollable!

Shawn and our new nephew Deklan.  He is adorable!  I love this pic.  Shawn is a natty at holding sweet babies :)

Hello, Grandma!?  This is the little mouse on a little DiscoveryKids Laptop....haha...love this little guy!
This is the coolest locket/watch gift I have ever received!  First off, Audrey Hepburn is my all time Favorite, and Secondly, the fact that Shawn knows me so well makes my life even better!   
Do you think Lucas and I have our model pose down yet?  We've been practicing....


Happy Heart Day!!!

I must say, I do love Valentines day!  There is just something about pink hearts that make me so happy!  I don't know if I'm more obsessed with the colors and the decor, or the feeling of love?  Shawn tells me every February that "everyday is like Valentines with you, sweetie".  Haha...gag!  We don't love cheese fests at our house.  No offense...

Over the weekend I had some interaction with my friend Martha, and she was telling me about these crayon hearts.  Then and there I decided I needed to make them.  So, I gathered my family and we made these super cute looking hearts.

Crayon Shavings.

Crayon Hearts.  They look really cool when the sun decides to shine.

Gifts of Love. 


Oh baby, oh baby!

It sure was a baby weekend.  It all started Thursday when Hilary had her baby.  8.5 LBS.  Which if  you ask me is a big baby!  But then, you look at Lucas who is like 24 pounds and you are like, oh wait, 8 pounds is tiny!  But they grow so fast.  Lucas lost some of his birth weight shortly after and was like 5.13, which is way small, but he was up to 8 pounds in like a month.  Oh man, I miss that chubby baby!

Anyway, Friday we met Deklan.  It's Irish and I have learned that more and more people have been using it lately.  I had never heard of it, but then everyone I have talked to says they know someone who just named their baby that.  He is super cute!  We aren't totally sure he looks like any of the other Bawden kids, but I'm sure he will.  They all kind of look the same...

Abby also had her baby!  Emergency C-Section.  She had placenta previa, which was horrible, and Maggie was 6 weeks early, but that's not too bad, considering she is 5.1 LBS.  She is currently in the NICU, and I haven't heard when she will be able to go home.  The unfortunate thing is that we will not be able to meet her until she is home.  Abby is doing well, but I think she has to stay in the hospital a little longer for her recovery time.  I just think it's crazy... 3 days apart!  It's like Cooper and Lucas, 2 days apart.  Those little ones just can't wait to get out!

L: Deklan.  R: Maggie

And now...a picture overload...

Libby came over Saturday to get her hair done, so Shawn decided that Payton should have a pic with both her bros, Lucas and Lincoln. 

Heart cookies to give to the one that we love <3

Payton making a shrinkydinks charm bracelet.  I have a feeling I live in a cave, because I didn't even know these existed until my parents gave them to her for her birthday?

New "Dragon" shoes and a rainbow whale charm to add to Payton's Charm IT.  This kid goes through shoes so fast!

Everyone is so happy!

Lucas lasted for the 5 seconds it took to take the first pic.  We are pretty sure he has the attention span of a squirrel!

And yet, he sat to watch the grammys with his pillow pet kitty thing.  I guess it's true what they say, music does tame the wild beast?  Or maybe it was Katy Perry's large breasts that were fascinating him ;)


Today I Fell in Love...

With this face...

Meet Molly.

While I was dropping Lucas off this morning, this sweet little kitten came out of the bushes and jumped into my car, onto Lucas's lap and started eating his cheerios!  He was laughing so much!  I was like, oh my gosh, I need to take you home, where do you come from!  Just as we were loving on her, sweet Cassidy drove by and said it was the neighbors cat, but she sleeps in Cassidy's house, along with Ginger.  She said they just stare at each other all night.  Hahaha...I love it!  Just as I was about to drive off and "catnap" this little one, her owner started walking by and I said, oh, I was just going to bring her to you...I miss a cat running around my  house :(  I love them so much!  I think that when you have had 6 cats in your life, you always feel like you need them, because they truly are the best pets.  They are so precious, and sweet and fulfilling.  I am still awaiting the day when I am a (cat) owner once again!