
Pay Pay Louise

Has made quite the accomplishments in the last 9 months.  When Payton first started Kindergarten at Challenger, she was the first kid in her class to came home with the "Golden Key."  Now to some of you, this may not seem like it's a big deal, but it is HUGE!  I mean, literally.  Which means, that she knows all her vowel families and passed off her little readers (you know, "the cat in the hat sat on the rat") Which is pretty amazing if you ask me. 

Every morning the kids would be timed for 10 minutes to see who could get 50 irregular words, and whoever got them first, got a pencil by the end of the day.  I'm pretty sure by the end of the year, Payton collected 45 pencils.  She is very smart, and very competitive.  She has a love for art, science and animals.  She can add and subtract high numbers. 

A month before school ended, they did some IOWA testing, which is your basic standardized testing.  Payton scored so well that Challenger offered her a scholarship for next year!  Unfortunately, there will be a new path to her academic life. 

Not only has Challenger taught her how to read, write, and treat others with respect, but they have taught her to sing, dance and memorize lines for the programs the kids put on for the parents. Payton is an awesome little person.  I tell Shawn at least once a week that we have the best kids (yes, I am bragging)!!!

Payton and Shawn the day Challenger awarded her the Scholarship.
The "Two-Scoops, Please" that Payton entered in the Art Fair

If you can't read this certificate, it is the Scholarship.
From an astronaut to a magician to an artist, Payton has now decided she wants to model when she grows up....so these next few pics showcase her modeling skills (she also picked out her (my) clothes, jewelry, makeup and hairstyle.)

Being the good big sis that she is and telling Lucas NO for yelling a bit too loud!

Pretty little brown-eyed girl.

Even though my shirt is a dress on her, her feet almost fit into my boots!
Payton wanted to arrange my makeup, like so, and take a picture herself :)

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