
All things Bright & Beautiful

Hello!  We had a fabulous weekend!  December has started which means, party time!  We had our first one with Shawn's side of the family.  Potato bar and a white elephant game.  It was actually pretty fun!  There was one unhappy 7 year old.  She kept getting things she did not want.  We still aren't sure what she wanted, but talked about if we play the game again, we should separate the kids gifts. 

Yesterday we decided it was time to decorate for Christmas!  Bring on the Nutcrackers!  We have a collection (from Shawn's grandma).  Payton loves to arrange and play with them, so that is what she did most of the time.  Shawn serenaded us with Silent Night on the harmonica, Lucas helped (take off) the ornaments.  Sadly, I did not photograph any of it...

A few months ago my real camera broke.  I dropped it in the sand a couple of times, and sand is a killer for cameras!  It worked for a while, but one day I tried to zoom in on Payton and Lucas playing, but the camera had a freak out and just stopped working.  I asked my father-in-law to fix it, and he broke it even more.  So I am out a camera for the Holiday's.  It makes me rather sad.  I am hoping to maybe get a new one?  Santa?  I'm sure if you look at my recent photos, you notice that they are all from instagram...

I tried to get him to look...he is way more interested in the tree.

Late night/after the after party shot.
Love Birds :)
He is still my beautiful 'gap' baby. 

P.S.  I made these really delicious Soft Almond Sugar Cookies.  Try them...they are moist and delicious!

1 comment:

  1. My camera broke too. I got my new Nikon at Target on Black Friday and so no Christmas for me. Hopefully you get a new one soon!
